Beyond KOUBA!
祭典から聖地へ脱皮する3日間燕三条 工場の祭典は、新潟県三条市・燕市全域及び周辺地域の、金属加工、鍛冶木工、印刷、農業をはじめとするものづくりの現場を見学・体験できるイベントです。
今年は “Beyond KOUBA!祭典から聖地へ脱皮する3日間” をテーマに、82の拠点*(9月1日時点)を開放します。
2013年にスタートした「燕三条 工場の祭典」は、今年開催10年目を迎えます。
今年は2019年以来、3年ぶりに参加KOUBA各所でお客さまがものづくりの現場を見学・体験するスタイルでの開催です。コロナ禍においても「燕三条 工場の祭典」は形を変えて活動を続けました。
2021年は、かつて研磨機を製造していた工場跡(旧 野水機械製作所 工場)を舞台に展覧会「TsubameSanjo Factory Museum」を開催し、燕三条で生まれた職人の技術による高品質な製品、燕三条の歴史文化、「燕三条 工場の祭典」の歩みを紹介しました。2022年秋、10年目を迎え大きな脱皮を遂げる各KOUBAが、みなさまのお越しをお待ちしています。
タイトル:「燕三条 工場の祭典 2022」
会期:2022年10月7日(金) - 10月9日(日) 9:00-17:00 (*12:00-13:00を除く)
会場:新潟県三条市・燕市全域 及び 周辺地域
アクセス:交通 上越新幹線・JR弥彦線「燕三条駅」下車
主催:「燕三条 工場の祭典」実行委員会事前登録
「燕三条 工場の祭典 2022」では、皆様に安心してKOUBA見学を楽しんでいただくため、ご来場に際して、事前登録を実施いたします。下記の手順をご確認いただき、ご登録をお願いいたします。
- Step1
- App Storeまたは、Google Playから“SMART CITY WALLET”をダウンロードします。
※「燕三条 工場の祭典」の事前登録は、9月21日(水)より開始いたします。 - Step2
- アプリを起動し、「KOUBA」のアイコンをタップします。次の画面で“都市IDアカウントを新規作成”をタップし、必要事項を入力の上、登録を完了させてください。
- Step3
- イベント来場時、案内所(燕三条駅、まちやま、燕市産業史料館)もしくは各KOUBAの受付で、登録が完了している場面を見せ、オリジナルマスクを受け取ってください。
⇨以後は、オリジナルマスクが登録確認済みの目印となります。 - Step4
- 各KOUBAの入口にQRコードが掲示されています。アプリを起動して、QRコードを読み取ってください。
- Step5
- オリジナルマスクを着用し、ご安全にKOUBA見学をお楽しみください。
Limited KOUBA Tours
今年は、JALふるさと応援隊 新潟とのコラボレーション開催となっており、JALの客室乗務員とともに、ものづくりの最深部をご案内します。2022年10月7日(金)・8日(土)
時間 10月7日(金)10:30–15:30 / 10月8日(土)10:30–16:15
料金 15,000円(税込)
定員 各コース8名
集合場所 JR燕三条駅 2F 新幹線改札前 / 燕三条 工場の祭典 案内所
問合せ ㈱つくる https://tsubamesanjo.net/
申し込み https://forms.gle/5dEqpoJgXeP4BzdS710月7日(金)航空関連ツアー
10:30 燕三条駅集合
10:50 株式会社田中衡機工業所(はかり)
11:50 燕三条イタリアンBit 燕三条本店にて昼食
13:20 戸塚金属工業株式会社(航空機座席)
14:20 高山工業株式会社(カトラリー)
15:30 燕三条駅で解散10月8日(土)若手職人探訪ツアー
10:30 燕三条駅集合
11:00 三条製作所 稲垣良博さん(和剃刀)
12:30 釜めし松月にて昼食
13:50 響楽舎 時田清正さん(ハンドパン)
15:10 六張煙管 岩波陸さん(煙管)
16:15 燕三条駅で解散お得なKOUBAツアー
時間 09:00 – 16:30 ※コースにより異なる
料金 コースにより異なる
定員 1~8名 / 1台
出発場所 JR燕三条駅
申込み / 問合せ 日の丸観光タクシー
mail:tour@hinomarukankou.co.jp内容 ※モデルコースとしてもご活用ください
JR 燕三条駅
JR 燕三条駅 -
JR 燕三条駅
JR 燕三条駅 -
JR 燕三条駅
JR 燕三条駅 -
JR 燕三条駅
山村製作所 / コスモ・スミス
JR 燕三条駅 -
加茂市内 「繊維産業と果樹園味覚堪能」
JR 燕三条駅
JR 燕三条駅 -
JR 燕三条駅
JR 燕三条駅
日時:10月7日(金) 18時30分−20時30分
鍛冶ミュージアム特別ギャラリーツアー(1回目:18:40- 2回目:19:40-)
10月7日(金)、8日(土)、9日(日) 燕市産業史料館
10月8日(土) フジノス
10月8日(土) G.F.G.S. ※都合により中止になりました。
10月9日(日) 諏訪田製作所特別展示 in 燕三条駅
2023年2月に開業する新しい拠点施設の開設予定地の一部を活用して、イベントのオフィシャル案内所を設置する他、 参加KOUBAの一部を製品と映像で紹介する特別展示を実施いたします。
会期:10月7日(金)- 9日(日)
場所:JR燕三条駅2階 ビュープラザ跡地(待合室隣り)アクセス
JR燕三条駅 新幹線改札前
まちやま(三条市図書館等複合施設) 鍛冶ミュージアム脇
- 飛行機の場合
- 新潟空港 ― バス ― 上越新幹線 or 在来線 or 高速バス ― 燕三条駅
- 電車の場合
- 東京駅 ― 上越新幹線 ― 燕三条駅(約2時間)
- 大阪駅 ― 東海道新幹線 ― 東京駅 ― 上越新幹線 ― 燕三条駅(約5時間)
- 新潟駅 ― 上越新幹線 ― 燕三条駅(約15分)
- 新潟駅 ― 信越本線 ― 東三条駅 ― 弥彦線 ― 燕三条駅(約1時間)
- 車の場合
- 東京 ― 関越自動車道長岡JC ― 北陸自動車道三条燕IC ― 国道289号(須頃(三)南右折) ― 国道8号(燕三条駅入口右折) ― 2つ目の信号を右折 ― 燕三条駅(約3時間)
- 大阪 ― 名神高速道路米原JC ― 北陸自動車道三条燕IC ― 国道289号(須頃(三)南右折) ― 国道8号(燕三条駅入口右折) ― 2つ目の信号を右折 ― 燕三条駅(約7時間)
- 新潟 ― 北陸自動車道三条燕IC ― 国道289号(須頃(三)南右折) ― 国道8号(燕三条駅入口右折) ― 2つ目の信号を右折 ― 燕三条駅(約30分)
- 駅レンタカー東日本燕三条営業所
- TEL:0256-35-6351 三条市下須頃497(燕三条駅構内1階)
- ニッポンレンタカー燕三条駅前営業所
- TEL:0256-34-4343 三条市須頃2-6(燕三条駅より徒歩3分)
- トヨタレンタリース新潟三条店
- TEL:0256-35-5488 三条市須頃2-1(燕三条駅東口前)
- タイムズカーレンタル燕三条店
- TEL:0256-34-9400 三条市須頃2-23(燕三条駅より徒歩5分)
- オリックスレンタカー燕三条駅前店
- TEL:0256-36-0563 三条市須頃3-23(燕三条駅より徒歩2分)
- エスタクシー
- TEL:0256-32-5021
- 三条タクシー
- TEL:0120-34-7100
- 中越交通 三条営業所
- TEL:0120-81-2021
- 日の丸観光タクシー
- TEL:0120-77-5955
- 燕タクシー
- TEL:0120-62-6102
- 中越交通 燕営業所
- TEL:0120-88-1455
- 地蔵堂タクシー
- TEL:0256-82-3212
- ホテルルートイン燕三条駅前
- 三条市須頃2-19/燕三条駅より徒歩3分
- 燕三条ワシントンホテル
- 燕市井土巻3-65/燕三条駅より徒歩5分
- アパヴィラホテル〈燕三条駅前〉
- 燕市井土巻3-211/燕三条駅より徒歩3分
- アパホテル<燕三条駅前>
- 燕市井土巻3-206/燕三条駅より徒歩2分
- ホテルニューグリーン燕三条
- 三条市須頃2-116-2/燕三条駅より徒歩2分
- アクアホテル燕三条駅前店
- 三条市上須頃1-72/燕三条駅より徒歩3分
- 東横INN燕三条駅前
- 燕市井土巻3-132/燕三条駅より徒歩4分
- 弥彦温泉観光協会 加盟施設一覧(JR燕三条駅より約30分)
- https://www.e-yahiko.com/stay/
- 岩室温泉観光協会 加盟施設一覧(JR燕三条駅より約30分)
- https://www.iwamurokankou.com/stay.html
- 越後長野温泉 妙湶和樂 嵐渓荘
- http://www.rankei.com
- 著莪の里 ゆめや
- http://www.i-yumeya.com
- 中学生以下の方は保護者の付添が必要です。(未就学児の方はご遠慮ください)
- 酒気を帯びた方は参加できません。
- KOUBA内では担当者の指示に必ず従ってください。
- KOUBA内の設備・商品には決して触れないでください。
- KOUBA内は全面禁煙です。
- KOUBA内では汚れの気にならない服装、動きやすい靴の着用をお願いします。
- サンダル、ハイヒール、厚底の靴等は、転倒する危険があるためご遠慮ください。
- スカートやだぶつきの大きな服装等は、機械に巻き込まれる危険があるためご遠慮ください。
- KOUBA内には高温の機器等があります。肌の露出が多い服装はご遠慮ください。
- 写真撮影は、各KOUBAの担当者の許可を得てから行ってください。また、フラッシュ撮影はご遠慮ください。
- 見学・体験には事前に予約が必要なものがあります。
- KOUBAは受け入れ人数に限りがあるため、10名以上の来場時は事前に各KOUBAへお問い合わせください。
- 各KOUBAへ車でお越しの際には、お近くの臨時駐車場をご利用ください。
- 満車の場合はご利用頂けないことがありますのでご了承ください。
主催・運営:「燕三条 工場の祭典」実行委員会
プレス:HOW INC.
Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo:
Passing blacksmithing down to future generationsSanjo Spice Lab:
Using spices to connect people and culturesFutaba:
Spreading the Japanese culinary culture of umamiTsubogen:
The versatile woodworking skills of a former ink line makerNozaki Chugoro Trading Company:
Material in abundance: A department store for ironNozaki Limited:
Metal parts for daily lifeEizuka Works:
Exploring new possibilities for home farming toolsHinoura Knife Works:
Handsome knives from a handsome father and sonYamatani Industries:
Tools for hammering, breaking, grinding, and cuttingBaishinshi:
Superior blades through the agesHasehiro Industrial:
Audio equipment created by Sanjo’s master inventorTadafusa Knives:
The factory that produced the famous bread knifeKakuri Works:
Making the tools that carpenters needLeger:
Pure titanium accessoriesFujita Metal Corporation (Sanjo Branch):
The largest steel trader on the Sea of Japan coast:
Sanjo SME Training Institute:
Always cultivating new talentHi-Serve Ueno:
One-stop manufacturing for professional kitchen equipmentKurashige Woodworks:
The go-to place for wooden furniture partsMaruto Hasegawa:
One of Sanjo’s largest and most efficient factoriesKondo Metalworks:
A hoe maker with a unique factory managerYamamura Mfg:
Beautician’s scissors to charm the most charismaticCosmo Smith:
Beautician’s scissors with the sharpness of a Japanese swordKobayashi Scissors:
The must-have harvesting scissors for professional farmersTM:
Steel and stainless rendered blackAiba Industrial:
The high-quality tools taking the bicycle industry by storm:
Sanjo Special Casting:
The world’s lightest enameled cast iron pot:
Pressing metal with passionSuwada:
World-renowned nail clippersMarunao:
Quality chopsticks from the artisans of Buddhist statuesShimato Industrial:
Integrated production facility for metal and plastic productsGihei Knives:
Nishiyama Cartons:
Cartons, cartons, cartons!Honai Gardens:
One of Japan’s largest garden footholdsE&E:
One-stop manufacturer of amazing eyewear:
Kosugi Farms:
Fruit farming that nurtures smilesWatanabe Orchards (Nature Farm):
Takahashi Orchards:
Kamono Chests:
A manufacturer that supplies the Imperial Palace:
Shinwa Rules:
On the cutting edge of measurement technologyFujita Metal Corp (Tsubame Branch):
A general trading company for steelTsubame Industrial Materials Museum:
Unraveling the history of Tsubame’s metalworking industryYamazaki Tableware:
A world-famous cutlery factoryGyokusendo:
A famous copperware workshop filled with the sound of hammersMinoru Works:
The mesmerizing work of young metal spinnersHarvest:
Learning from nature: A farm overflowing with flowersTsubame-Sanjo Regional Industries Promotion Center :
A store that sells all kinds of products manufactured in Tsubame-SanjoTsubame-Sanjo Wing:
A Tsubame-Sanjo antenna shopNihon Yoshokki Cutlery :
The manufacturer of Sori Yanagi’s kitchenwareYoshikawa Metal:
Stainless professionals who can meet any requestFujinos:
An IH cookware pioneer recommended by electric companiesMgnet:
Introducing the work of Tsubame-Sanjo’s artisansTakeda Precision Dies:
Metal precision dies that shocked the world:
Tojiro :
Tsubame Coffee:
A coffee shop selling charming tools:
Kugami Roadside Station:
A roadside station featuring local Tsubame products開放日
Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo:
Passing blacksmithing down to future generationsAiba Paper Packaging:
Making cartons for Tsubame-Sanjo’s manufacturersSanjo Spice Lab:
Using spices to connect people and culturesFutaba:
Spreading the Japanese culinary culture of umamiTsubogen:
The versatile woodworking skills of a former ink line makerNozaki Chugoro Trading Company:
Material in abundance: A department store for ironNozaki Limited:
Metal parts for daily lifeEizuka Works:
Exploring new possibilities for home farming toolsHinoura Knife Works:
Handsome knives from a handsome father and sonYamatani Industries:
Tools for hammering, breaking, grinding, and cuttingBaishinshi:
Superior blades through the ages:
Hasehiro Industrial:
Audio equipment created by Sanjo’s master inventorTadafusa Knives:
The factory that produced the famous bread knifeKakuri Works:
Making the tools that carpenters needLeger:
Pure titanium accessories:
Fujita Metal Corporation (Sanjo Branch):
The largest steel trader on the Sea of Japan coast:
Sanjo SME Training Institute:
Always cultivating new talentHi-Serve Ueno:
One-stop manufacturing for professional kitchen equipmentMaruto Hasegawa:
One of Sanjo’s largest and most efficient factoriesKondo Metalworks:
A hoe maker with a unique factory managerYamamura Mfg:
Beautician’s scissors to charm the most charismaticCosmo Smith:
Beautician’s scissors with the sharpness of a Japanese swordKobayashi Scissors:
The must-have harvesting scissors for professional farmersTM:
Steel and stainless rendered blackHokko Trading:
Supporting Tsubame-Sanjo through metal recyclingMasuda Kiridashi Works:
The deep world of kiridashi knivesAiba Industrial:
The high-quality tools taking the bicycle industry by storm:
From bonito shavers to furniture, for all your wooden needs:
Sanjo Special Casting:
The world’s lightest enameled cast iron pot:
Pressing metal with passionKaneko Corporation:
Easy-grip wooden toolsSuwada:
World-renowned nail clippersMarunao:
Quality chopsticks from the artisans of Buddhist statuesShimato Industrial:
Integrated production facility for metal and plastic productsGihei Knives:
Yamatoki Metalworks:
From trivets and rain gutters to mice trapsMikoshi:
Enriching society with cardboard manufacturing technologyNishiyama Cartons:
Cartons, cartons, cartons!Honai Gardens:
One of Japan’s largest garden footholdsE&E:
One-stop manufacturer of amazing eyewear:
Kosugi Farms:
Fruit farming that nurtures smilesSanjo Expert Fruit Growers:
An organization of Sanjo’s veteran pear farmersWatanabe Orchards (Nature Farm):
Takahashi Orchards:
Kayamori Farms:
Aspiring to Japan’s best rice ballKamono Chests:
A manufacturer that supplies the Imperial Palace:
Shinwa Rules:
On the cutting edge of measurement technologySakurai:
A cutlery factory in pursuit of functional beautyFujita Metal Corp (Tsubame Branch):
A general trading company for steelTsubame Industrial Materials Museum:
Unraveling the history of Tsubame’s metalworking industryYamazaki Tableware:
A world-famous cutlery factoryNoboru Tobacco Pipes:
A famous copperware workshop filled with the sound of hammersMinoru Works:
The mesmerizing work of young metal spinnersHarvest:
Learning from nature: A farm overflowing with flowersTsubame-Sanjo Regional Industries Promotion Center :
A store that sells all kinds of products manufactured in Tsubame-SanjoTsubame-Sanjo Wing:
A Tsubame-Sanjo antenna shopNihon Yoshokki Cutlery :
The manufacturer of Sori Yanagi’s kitchenwareYoshikawa Metal:
Stainless professionals who can meet any requestFujinos:
An IH cookware pioneer recommended by electric companiesMgnet:
Introducing the work of Tsubame-Sanjo’s artisansTakeda Precision Dies:
Metal precision dies that shocked the worldSUS:
Kahei Tofu:
Traditional handmade tofu by a 6th generation tofu-makerTojiro :
Tsubame Coffee:
A coffee shop selling charming tools:
Kugami Roadside Station:
A roadside station featuring local Tsubame productsHiura Farms:
Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo:
Passing blacksmithing down to future generationsAiba Paper Packaging:
Making cartons for Tsubame-Sanjo’s manufacturersSanjo Spice Lab:
Using spices to connect people and culturesFutaba:
Spreading the Japanese culinary culture of umamiTsubogen:
The versatile woodworking skills of a former ink line makerNozaki Limited:
Metal parts for daily lifeHinoura Knife Works:
Handsome knives from a handsome father and sonBaishinshi:
Superior blades through the ages:
Hasehiro Industrial:
Audio equipment created by Sanjo’s master inventorTadafusa Knives:
The factory that produced the famous bread knifeLeger:
Pure titanium accessories:
Kurashige Woodworks:
The go-to place for wooden furniture partsHokko Trading:
Supporting Tsubame-Sanjo through metal recyclingMasuda Kiridashi Works:
The deep world of kiridashi knivesAiba Industrial:
The high-quality tools taking the bicycle industry by stormTakasan:
From bonito shavers to furniture, for all your wooden needsSanjo Special Casting:
The world’s lightest enameled cast iron potSutoka:
Pressing metal with passionKaneko Corporation:
Easy-grip wooden toolsSuwada:
World-renowned nail clippersMarunao:
Quality chopsticks from the artisans of Buddhist statuesYamatoki Metalworks:
From trivets and rain gutters to mice trapsMikoshi:
Enriching society with cardboard manufacturing technologyNishiyama Cartons:
Cartons, cartons, cartons!Honai Gardens:
One of Japan’s largest garden footholdsE&E:
One-stop manufacturer of amazing eyewear:
Kosugi Farms:
Fruit farming that nurtures smilesSanjo Expert Fruit Growers:
An organization of Sanjo’s veteran pear farmersWatanabe Orchards (Nature Farm):
Takahashi Orchards:
Kayamori Farms:
Aspiring to Japan’s best rice ballKamono Chests:
A manufacturer that supplies the Imperial PalaceShinwa Rules:
On the cutting edge of measurement technologySakurai:
A cutlery factory in pursuit of functional beautyTsubame Industrial Materials Museum:
Unraveling the history of Tsubame’s metalworking industryNoboru Tobacco Pipes:
A famous copperware workshop filled with the sound of hammersMinoru Works:
The mesmerizing work of young metal spinnersHarvest:
Learning from nature: A farm overflowing with flowersTsubame-Sanjo Regional Industries Promotion Center :
A store that sells all kinds of products manufactured in Tsubame-SanjoTsubame-Sanjo Wing:
A Tsubame-Sanjo antenna shopMgnet:
Introducing the work of Tsubame-Sanjo’s artisansSUS:
Kahei Tofu:
Traditional handmade tofu by a 6th generation tofu-makerTojiro :
Tsubame Coffee:
A coffee shop selling charming tools:
Hiura Farms:
Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo:
Passing blacksmithing down to future generationsAiba Paper Packaging:
Making cartons for Tsubame-Sanjo’s manufacturersSanjo Spice Lab:
Using spices to connect people and culturesFutaba:
Spreading the Japanese culinary culture of umamiTsubogen:
The versatile woodworking skills of a former ink line makerNozaki Chugoro Trading Company:
Material in abundance: A department store for ironNozaki Limited:
Metal parts for daily lifeEizuka Works:
Exploring new possibilities for home farming toolsHinoura Knife Works:
Handsome knives from a handsome father and sonYamatani Industries:
Tools for hammering, breaking, grinding, and cuttingBaishinshi:
Superior blades through the ages:
Hasehiro Industrial:
Audio equipment created by Sanjo’s master inventorTadafusa Knives:
The factory that produced the famous bread knifeKakuri Works:
Making the tools that carpenters needLeger:
Pure titanium accessories:
Fujita Metal Corporation (Sanjo Branch):
The largest steel trader on the Sea of Japan coast:
Sanjo SME Training Institute:
Always cultivating new talentエリア
Hi-Serve Ueno:
One-stop manufacturing for professional kitchen equipmentKurashige Woodworks:
The go-to place for wooden furniture partsMaruto Hasegawa:
One of Sanjo’s largest and most efficient factoriesKondo Metalworks:
A hoe maker with a unique factory managerYamamura Mfg:
Beautician’s scissors to charm the most charismaticCosmo Smith:
Beautician’s scissors with the sharpness of a Japanese swordKobayashi Scissors:
The must-have harvesting scissors for professional farmersTM:
Steel and stainless rendered blackHokko Trading:
Supporting Tsubame-Sanjo through metal recyclingMasuda Kiridashi Works:
The deep world of kiridashi knivesAiba Industrial:
The high-quality tools taking the bicycle industry by storm:
From bonito shavers to furniture, for all your wooden needsエリア
Sanjo Special Casting:
The world’s lightest enameled cast iron pot:
Pressing metal with passionKaneko Corporation:
Easy-grip wooden toolsSuwada:
World-renowned nail clippersMarunao:
Quality chopsticks from the artisans of Buddhist statuesエリア
Shimato Industrial:
Integrated production facility for metal and plastic productsGihei Knives:
Yamatoki Metalworks:
From trivets and rain gutters to mice trapsMikoshi:
Enriching society with cardboard manufacturing technologyNishiyama Cartons:
Cartons, cartons, cartons!Honai Gardens:
One of Japan’s largest garden footholdsE&E:
One-stop manufacturer of amazing eyewear:
Kosugi Farms:
Fruit farming that nurtures smilesSanjo Expert Fruit Growers:
An organization of Sanjo’s veteran pear farmersWatanabe Orchards (Nature Farm):
Takahashi Orchards:
Kayamori Farms:
Aspiring to Japan’s best rice ballKamono Chests:
A manufacturer that supplies the Imperial Palaceエリア
Shinwa Rules:
On the cutting edge of measurement technologySakurai:
A cutlery factory in pursuit of functional beautyFujita Metal Corp (Tsubame Branch):
A general trading company for steelTsubame Industrial Materials Museum:
Unraveling the history of Tsubame’s metalworking industryYamazaki Tableware:
A world-famous cutlery factoryNoboru Tobacco Pipes:
A famous copperware workshop filled with the sound of hammersMinoru Works:
The mesmerizing work of young metal spinnersHarvest:
Learning from nature: A farm overflowing with flowersTsubame-Sanjo Regional Industries Promotion Center :
A store that sells all kinds of products manufactured in Tsubame-SanjoTsubame-Sanjo Wing:
A Tsubame-Sanjo antenna shopエリア
Nihon Yoshokki Cutlery :
The manufacturer of Sori Yanagi’s kitchenwareYoshikawa Metal:
Stainless professionals who can meet any requestFujinos:
An IH cookware pioneer recommended by electric companiesMgnet:
Introducing the work of Tsubame-Sanjo’s artisansTakeda Precision Dies:
Metal precision dies that shocked the worldSUS:
Kahei Tofu:
Traditional handmade tofu by a 6th generation tofu-makerTojiro :
Tsubame Coffee:
A coffee shop selling charming tools:
Kugami Roadside Station:
A roadside station featuring local Tsubame productsHiura Farms:
Nozaki Chugoro Trading Company:
Material in abundance: A department store for ironFujita Metal Corporation (Sanjo Branch):
The largest steel trader on the Sea of Japan coastFujita Metal Corp (Tsubame Branch):
A general trading company for steelYoshikawa Metal:
Stainless professionals who can meet any request金属
Kondo Metalworks:
A hoe maker with a unique factory managerKobayashi Scissors:
The must-have harvesting scissors for professional farmers金属
Hinoura Knife Works:
Handsome knives from a handsome father and sonBaishinshi:
Superior blades through the agesTadafusa Knives:
The factory that produced the famous bread knife:
Maruto Hasegawa:
One of Sanjo’s largest and most efficient factoriesYamamura Mfg:
Beautician’s scissors to charm the most charismaticCosmo Smith:
Beautician’s scissors with the sharpness of a Japanese swordMasuda Kiridashi Works:
The deep world of kiridashi knivesSuwada:
World-renowned nail clippersGihei Knives:
Tojiro :
Shinwa Rules:
On the cutting edge of measurement technology金属
Eizuka Works:
Exploring new possibilities for home farming toolsHasehiro Industrial:
Audio equipment created by Sanjo’s master inventorLeger:
Pure titanium accessoriesSanjo Special Casting:
The world’s lightest enameled cast iron potYamazaki Tableware:
A world-famous cutlery factoryNoboru Tobacco Pipes:
A famous copperware workshop filled with the sound of hammersNihon Yoshokki Cutlery :
The manufacturer of Sori Yanagi’s kitchenwareFujinos:
An IH cookware pioneer recommended by electric companiesMgnet:
Introducing the work of Tsubame-Sanjo’s artisansSUS:
Hi-Serve Ueno:
One-stop manufacturing for professional kitchen equipmentShimato Industrial:
Integrated production facility for metal and plastic productsYamatoki Metalworks:
From trivets and rain gutters to mice traps金属
Nozaki Limited:
Metal parts for daily lifeTM:
Steel and stainless rendered blackAiba Industrial:
The high-quality tools taking the bicycle industry by storm:
Pressing metal with passionMinoru Works:
The mesmerizing work of young metal spinners金属
Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo:
Passing blacksmithing down to future generationsYamatani Industries:
Tools for hammering, breaking, grinding, and cutting:
Hokko Trading:
Supporting Tsubame-Sanjo through metal recyclingE&E:
One-stop manufacturer of amazing eyewearTakeda Precision Dies:
Metal precision dies that shocked the world非金属
The versatile woodworking skills of a former ink line makerKurashige Woodworks:
The go-to place for wooden furniture partsTakasan:
From bonito shavers to furniture, for all your wooden needsKaneko Corporation:
Easy-grip wooden toolsMarunao:
Quality chopsticks from the artisans of Buddhist statuesKamono Chests:
A manufacturer that supplies the Imperial Palace:
Aiba Paper Packaging:
Making cartons for Tsubame-Sanjo’s manufacturersMikoshi:
Enriching society with cardboard manufacturing technologyNishiyama Cartons:
Cartons, cartons, cartons!非金属
Sanjo Spice Lab:
Using spices to connect people and culturesFutaba:
Spreading the Japanese culinary culture of umamiKosugi Farms:
Fruit farming that nurtures smilesSanjo Expert Fruit Growers:
An organization of Sanjo’s veteran pear farmersWatanabe Orchards (Nature Farm):
Takahashi Orchards:
Kayamori Farms:
Aspiring to Japan’s best rice ballHarvest:
Learning from nature: A farm overflowing with flowersKahei Tofu:
Traditional handmade tofu by a 6th generation tofu-makerHiura Farms:
Hasehiro Industrial:
Audio equipment created by Sanjo’s master inventor:
Sanjo SME Training Institute:
Always cultivating new talentHonai Gardens:
One of Japan’s largest garden footholds:
Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum:
Unraveling the history of Tsubame’s metalworking industryTsubame-Sanjo Regional Industries Promotion Center :
A store that sells all kinds of products manufactured in Tsubame-SanjoTsubame-Sanjo Wing:
A Tsubame-Sanjo antenna shopTsubame Coffee:
A coffee shop selling charming toolsKugami Roadside Station:
A roadside station featuring local Tsubame productsKOUBA
Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo:
Passing blacksmithing down to future generationsAiba Paper Packaging:
Making cartons for Tsubame-Sanjo’s manufacturersFutaba:
Spreading the Japanese culinary culture of umamiTsubogen:
The versatile woodworking skills of a former ink line makerNozaki Chugoro Trading Company:
Material in abundance: A department store for ironNozaki Limited:
Metal parts for daily lifeEizuka Works:
Exploring new possibilities for home farming toolsHinoura Knife Works:
Handsome knives from a handsome father and sonBaishinshi:
Superior blades through the ages:
Hasehiro Industrial:
Audio equipment created by Sanjo’s master inventorTadafusa Knives:
The factory that produced the famous bread knifeKakuri Works:
Making the tools that carpenters needLeger:
Pure titanium accessoriesFujita Metal Corporation (Sanjo Branch):
The largest steel trader on the Sea of Japan coast:
Sanjo SME Training Institute:
Always cultivating new talentHi-Serve Ueno:
One-stop manufacturing for professional kitchen equipmentKurashige Woodworks:
The go-to place for wooden furniture partsMaruto Hasegawa:
One of Sanjo’s largest and most efficient factoriesKondo Metalworks:
A hoe maker with a unique factory managerYamamura Mfg:
Beautician’s scissors to charm the most charismaticCosmo Smith:
Beautician’s scissors with the sharpness of a Japanese swordKobayashi Scissors:
The must-have harvesting scissors for professional farmersTM:
Steel and stainless rendered blackHokko Trading:
Supporting Tsubame-Sanjo through metal recyclingMasuda Kiridashi Works:
The deep world of kiridashi knivesAiba Industrial:
The high-quality tools taking the bicycle industry by storm:
From bonito shavers to furniture, for all your wooden needs:
Sanjo Special Casting:
The world’s lightest enameled cast iron pot:
Pressing metal with passionKaneko Corporation:
Easy-grip wooden toolsSuwada:
World-renowned nail clippersMarunao:
Quality chopsticks from the artisans of Buddhist statuesShimato Industrial:
Integrated production facility for metal and plastic productsGihei Knives:
Yamatoki Metalworks:
From trivets and rain gutters to mice trapsMikoshi:
Enriching society with cardboard manufacturing technologyNishiyama Cartons:
Cartons, cartons, cartons!E&E:
One-stop manufacturer of amazing eyewear:
Kamono Chests:
A manufacturer that supplies the Imperial PalaceShinwa Rules:
On the cutting edge of measurement technologySakurai:
A cutlery factory in pursuit of functional beautyFujita Metal Corp (Tsubame Branch):
A general trading company for steelTsubame Industrial Materials Museum:
Unraveling the history of Tsubame’s metalworking industryYamazaki Tableware:
A world-famous cutlery factoryNoboru Tobacco Pipes:
A famous copperware workshop filled with the sound of hammersMinoru Works:
The mesmerizing work of young metal spinnersNihon Yoshokki Cutlery :
The manufacturer of Sori Yanagi’s kitchenwareYoshikawa Metal:
Stainless professionals who can meet any requestFujinos:
An IH cookware pioneer recommended by electric companiesTakeda Precision Dies:
Metal precision dies that shocked the worldSUS:
Kahei Tofu:
Traditional handmade tofu by a 6th generation tofu-makerTojiro :
Kosugi Farms:
Fruit farming that nurtures smilesSanjo Expert Fruit Growers:
An organization of Sanjo’s veteran pear farmersWatanabe Orchards (Nature Farm):
Takahashi Orchards:
Kayamori Farms:
Aspiring to Japan’s best rice ballHarvest:
Learning from nature: A farm overflowing with flowersHiura Farms:
Sanjo Spice Lab:
Using spices to connect people and culturesYamatani Industries:
Tools for hammering, breaking, grinding, and cutting:
Honai Gardens:
One of Japan’s largest garden footholds:
Tsubame-Sanjo Regional Industries Promotion Center :
A store that sells all kinds of products manufactured in Tsubame-SanjoTsubame-Sanjo Wing:
A Tsubame-Sanjo antenna shopMgnet:
Introducing the work of Tsubame-Sanjo’s artisans:
Tsubame Coffee:
A coffee shop selling charming toolsKugami Roadside Station:
A roadside station featuring local Tsubame products